
2011 In Perspective

As we close out another year I look back at our accomplishments and also things that didn’t go quite as planned…perhaps review the things that could have been done just a little better.  I thought I would start with some of the highlights of the accomplishments through pictures – just a few, to remind me […]

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Had Chanh Village Update

It is hard to believe that I am almost caught up with my blog entries!!!  We returned to Had Chanh to revisit friends, discuss some minor updates to the school and to discuss the build of permanent toilets for the village school.  Last year we built a temporary one but vowed to come back and […]

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Phonsavanh Village

This trip was perhaps one of the most spectacular ones I have been on where trekking wasn’t involved.  From Nong Khiaw it was another 2 hours driving along the top of the mountains following their contours and at times the pat was no wider than a cow path. Once we arrived, there was fanfare of […]

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Nong Khiaw

Shortly after the Rotarian visit, Mike, Roland from Toronto and Art from North Carolina came for a visit – they will be here until the end of the month but we didn’t waste any time.  We headed up to Nong Khiaw to use that as our base, complete another hygiene course at an education compound […]

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Little Steve

The day we came to officially open the primary school in Done Lom Village, there was a birth in the village.  I had not idea at the time but as we were leaving the village to head back to the boats, I noticed that Bounmy and others were caressing this infant.  As they left I […]

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Governor’s Cave

We were all a little surprised to be taken to the cave where the Governor hid during the Vietnam war – located just a few minutes outside Nong Khiaw.  We don’t know if it was a District Governor or a Provincial one.  Nevertheless it was very interesting. Imagine the sound of the bombs echoing off […]

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Toronto Rotarians come for a visit

It was with great pleasure we welcomed the Rotarians from Toronto Canada after their sweat equity trip in Cambodia with dear friend and Rotarian Lisa McCoy.  I think they managed to find a new definition for sweat!!!!  So we cooled them off a bit and took them to Kwangsi Waterfalls. After a meander up to […]

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