What does AAVIL Do?

Our organization raises funds and provides much needed, often live-saving support for the rural villages in northern Laos.

Its main focus is to provide a permanent supply of water to villages without, and provide water filtration with hygiene training to each family.  The permanent water supplies include a dam and several km of pipe (or a well is drilled depending on the area), plus a water tank and taps throughout the village. The results are astounding.  The villagers now spend more productive time in their rice fields, rather than water collection wherever they can find it.  Without diarrhea caused by water borne bacteria, rice yields are higher due to more time looking after their crops, more students are going to school because they are not sick from poor water, infant mortality has dropped considerably, and there is often disposable income, where there had been none before.  Generally, the lifespan among the villagers has also increased.

This is not all we do however.  Our organization also supports a feminine hygiene program in secondary schools, sponsors secondary and university students to go to school, where they would not be able to afford to go, without our assistance.

Some of our smaller projects include running electricity to a village without, through the use of solar panels, or a direct connect to the regions electricity supply; construction of toilets with each building we construct, whether it be a school, or community centre, or for an entire village.  It should be noted however that our main focus remains on the supply and filtration of water.  With our 11 year experience in the country we are often asked to do special, fully funded projects for special interest groups or other NGO’s.

It is encouraging to see that with the support of our many followers, donors and sponsors, we continue to make a huge, positive impact in their lives.

Why support AAVIL?

Our Big Vision

With critical need for clean, permanent water throughout the under-developed parts of the world, our dream is to do much more than just talk about it. 

Our organization is committed to rising up to the challenge of bringing water to all those who desperately need it in hopes of a brighter, healthier, wealthier future for those living in the most impoverished regions.

In the more immediate future, our dream is to ensure a permanent water supply to all the villages in two large districts in Northern Laos, and to provide water filtration for every rural family there. There are currently 159 villages in these two districts.  By February 2021 there will be 32 villages left that need a permanent water supply and approximately 100 villages that still need water filters for each family.

It is not only our dream to complete this massive undertaking, but once every rural family in these two districts has clean water available to them, we plan to broaden our focus and expand our donation partnerships to help the entire country. 

Laos is a relatively small country and with increased partnerships using our models to focus on other regions, the entire country could achieve a clean, reliable source of water in a matter of years, not decades.  

It is estimated that about $3.1 million is needed to complete this rugged area in Laos.

“The work that Steve and his team are doing is so helpful to so many people”

Bruce Green – President, Rotary Club of Ajax

“I’m a huge supporter of (AAVIL) and the work they do. I’m looking forward to joining them on a future trip.”

Steve White – Executive Director News Foundation of Canada