
A New Season, As Our World Resets

While few people saw it coming, our medical scientists knew the threat would become a reality at some point. Our fragile world has certainly changed. Daily living has changed and we simply have to adapt to whatever is thrown our way. The fundraising season has concluded for the most part, as we continue to make […]

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Last Day with Jai Lao Foundation

With the predelivery of water filters for the village, we are all set to go for distribution to every family of a water filter (plus two for the school), hygiene kits (courtesy of Jao Lao Foundation), a hygiene training course and the official announcement that Jai Lao would be the sponsors for a new school.  Hat […]

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New Season, New Projects!

I made it through the first two weeks and managed to get a lot accomplished already although I am still behind the 8ball so-to-speak.  My hope is to get some, preferably all of the new projects completed before the rainy season.  Last season was just too difficult for many in terms of transportation and access, […]

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Heading Back to Laos

I can hardly believe that I will be on the plane in just two weeks. Can you guess where I will be in two weeks and one day? Still on the plane or in some airport!Since April we managed to put our house up for sale, sell it, buy another house back in our old […]

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Great News and a Happy Day

Where does all the time go? It is already August and I have missed two months of posts but it certainly hasn’t been without activity. First, the best news of all. We applied for Charitable Status in January of this year and despite friends telling us that it took them anywhere from 18 months to […]

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Last Distribution of Water Filters for the Season

My Last week in Laos was indeed an interesting one and it was a strong reminder of why I was there in the first place, not that I ever forgot of course. Most of my work is generally drudge work requiring lots of planning, organizing, purchasing, banking, accounting, fact gathering, proposals and many, many other […]

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