
It’s Great to be Back!

After a very challenging 3 years, it was incredible to be back, doing what we love most. It took a little longer this year to get settled, plan out our season and get started with the projects. Our coordinator had been very sick for the better part of a year, but three trips to Thailand […]

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Review of the 21/22 Season

With Covid Lockdowns a devalued currency and huge price increases throughout the year, our team still managed to complete several projects. Starting with the Kachait Permanent water supply, our team with most of the work being done by the villagers and our engineer, a water dam was built, 5.6km of pipe to the village were […]

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2021-22 Construction Season

Our season started late due to various issues, most caused by Covid lockdowns, but it is currently underway, with due haste. We never know if there will be another lockdown with the latest variant. To speed things up a little, our coordinator has been working around the clock in many cases to negotiate, order materials […]

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285 Water Filters Distributed this season

Our first shipment and distribution of water filters for 4 villages in Nambak District, has been completed and pictures of the receiving families have been sent to each donor. The roads were terrible and 41 of the ceramic elements were damaged. In fact the trucks got stuck in the mud several times along the journey. […]

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5 More Rural Lao Villages with Clean Water

It is always so fulfilling and encouraging to be able to provide water filters for the northern, rural villages in Laos. We see the suffering from a lack of clean water. Disease from water borne bacteria increases infant mortality, shortens lifespans, and reduces productivity and learning. So far this season, our Lao team has distributed […]

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Nambak Ethnic Boarding School Water Project, Northern Laos

This project is our featured project for the season. With over 600 students including primary and secondary, 39 teachers (most who live in small, shared dormitories on site), the school is sponsored by the Provincial Government for the most part. A vegetable field, tended to, by the students and a small fish pond augment the […]

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Poung Jong Permanent Water Supply

The first water project of the season was completed just a couple of weeks ago. This village of Poung Jong has over 300 residents consisting of Hmong and Khmu ethnic backgrounds. Their main income is from tobacco, with most of it going to China. During the off season, the women focus on their weaving for […]

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First Water Filter Distribution for the 2020-21 Season

As expected, donations have been down this year, yet we have still been able to distribute water filters for two villages with the first truckload. It is always exciting for us, knowing as the villagers do, that we are about to change their lives for the better, by improving health of the villagers and village […]

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