
5 More Rural Lao Villages with Clean Water

It is always so fulfilling and encouraging to be able to provide water filters for the northern, rural villages in Laos. We see the suffering from a lack of clean water. Disease from water borne bacteria increases infant mortality, shortens lifespans, and reduces productivity and learning. So far this season, our Lao team has distributed […]

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Nambak Ethnic Boarding School Water Project, Northern Laos

This project is our featured project for the season. With over 600 students including primary and secondary, 39 teachers (most who live in small, shared dormitories on site), the school is sponsored by the Provincial Government for the most part. A vegetable field, tended to, by the students and a small fish pond augment the […]

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Poung Jong Permanent Water Supply

The first water project of the season was completed just a couple of weeks ago. This village of Poung Jong has over 300 residents consisting of Hmong and Khmu ethnic backgrounds. Their main income is from tobacco, with most of it going to China. During the off season, the women focus on their weaving for […]

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First Water Filter Distribution for the 2020-21 Season

As expected, donations have been down this year, yet we have still been able to distribute water filters for two villages with the first truckload. It is always exciting for us, knowing as the villagers do, that we are about to change their lives for the better, by improving health of the villagers and village […]

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A New Season, As Our World Resets

While few people saw it coming, our medical scientists knew the threat would become a reality at some point. Our fragile world has certainly changed. Daily living has changed and we simply have to adapt to whatever is thrown our way. The fundraising season has concluded for the most part, as we continue to make […]

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2019/20 Season Wrap Up

After months of lockdown and various stress related issues regarding our projects and students in Laos, the team was able to close out the season just in time for year-end, which is June 30th.  As per the last post, there were many delays over the Sandluangnoi water project, but even with heavy rains during the […]

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Brave New World-Laos Update

Start of Rainy Season

With the world in pandemonium as they try to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, life has changed for the Lao People too, although reported cases are only at 19, as of May 21. The government has recognized that a pandemic of this proportion was no match for their healthcare system, they wasted no time in locking […]

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Ban Houay Khan and Sandluangnoi

With the arrivals of Kirsten, a dear friend (and fundraiser too) and David Slocum from the Orillia Rotary Club, we set off to distribute the most recent delivery of water filters.  Houay Khan is located across the Mekong River by car ferry and about a 40 minute drive on good road for a change.  In […]

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Ban Mokdo Water Filters

There are two very special people who do so much good in the world and we are extremely honoured to be friends with them.  In addition to supporting 5 schools (with which they funded the construction too) in Cambodia, they also raise significant funds for Laos through Adopt A Village in Laos.  Each year, these […]

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