It was time to take the trip to Vientiane for a number of reasons but primarily to inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs what we were planning this year. I booked the flight but had to book executive…
It didn’t take long before we were back in the villages again. While we had intended to do a number of things during this trip, there was always something that prevented us from doing it. …
With the predelivery of water filters for the village, we are all set to go for distribution to every family of a water filter (plus two for the school), hygiene kits (courtesy of Jao Lao Foundation)…
I made it through the first two weeks and managed to get a lot accomplished already although I am still behind the 8ball so-to-speak. My hope is to get some, preferably all of the new projects compl…
I can hardly believe that I will be on the plane in just two weeks. Can you guess where I will be in two weeks and one day? Still on the plane or in some airport!Since April we managed to put our hous…
Where does all the time go? It is already August and I have missed two months of posts but it certainly hasn’t been without activity. First, the best news of all. We applied for Charitable Statu…
Since my return to Canada, I have not even had the time to take a break. I came back thinking I would take 2 or 3 weeks off but that wasn’t to be. Yet for some reason I feel re-invigorated. Perh…
My last tour of duty in Laos was to distribute water filters to Huephen Village, located about 1 hour north of Luang Prabang. The villagers has showed me their three water sources and all had complete…
My Last week in Laos was indeed an interesting one and it was a strong reminder of why I was there in the first place, not that I ever forgot of course. Most of my work is generally drudge work requir…
The remote villages of Laos have never recovered from the ‘Secret’ war of the 1960’s. While rich in culture and tradition, their education, healthcare and hygiene conditions are seve…