5 More Rural Lao Villages with Clean Water

It is always so fulfilling and encouraging to be able to provide water filters for the northern, rural villages in Laos. We see the suffering from a lack of clean water. Disease from water borne bacteria increases infant mortality, shortens lifespans, and reduces productivity and learning. So far this season, our Lao team has distributed family water filters to 5 more villages and a primary school, including Ban Sang Primary School with 7 filters, Ban Longkham with 137 families, Naluang with 51 systems, Ban Pakhan with 131 units, Ban Topnai with 82 systems and Ban Yaro with 91 units. So far, these two distributions have provided for about 2,450 villagers. Two thirds of these systems were financed through our dear friends Barbara Seagram and Patti Lee, who teach bridge and have done an annual fundraiser for many years. In addition, many personal friends, friends of Rotary and Rotarians have contributed to the success of this program over the years. Our heartfelt thanks go to each and every one of you, who continue to make this world a better place. Here are some highlights;
- Ban Sang Primary School
- Ban Longkham – picture taken in front of the school
- NaLuang Village
- NaLuang Village Children and Students – picture taken in front of the village sign
- Pakkhan Students pose in the school yard
- Pakkhan – Villagers eagerly learn about hygiene, how the filter works, filter maintenance
- Topnai – students smiling for the camera. We must have given them treats!
- Filters supplied to Ban Yaro and the public school
It is hoped that the team will be able to do one more smaller filter distribution in the coming weeks, to add to these villages. With a new Covid Lockdown, it may have to wait, although Laos has done an excellent job at border control, limiting the spread of infection in their country to 64, at the time of this post.