
The Road to Paradise

It was so sad to see everyone leave a couple at a time but I suppose the highlight was when Dawn (my sister) and Beau managed to visit after o many years of hearing me talk about it. While I was busily reporting to the donors, Siphan headed to a small village near the Plain […]

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And The Rains Came…

Who would have thought….in January, which is the dry season?  We had planned the itinerary for our many guests down to a tee and checked the forecast daily.  Experiencing no rain and beautiful temperatures since my arrival in November, I thought the coast was clear…until just 10 days before the first guest were to arrive…and […]

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New Years 2017 Project Update

Happy New Years to Everyone…I trust everyone has had their best holiday season ever? There has been a lot of activity since arriving back to Laos in late November.  I have tried to keep up but as you can see, the blog entries have been few and far between.  Nursing a bad cold and a […]

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