
Sponsored Students

We finally have pictures of all 17 primary school student, sponsored by some really generous people.  Three days before classes started in August/September last year was the deadline for the students to enrol.  At the same time, school supplies were provided to the school in Hat Kham located about 1 1/2 hours by boat north of Nong Khiaw and later on, in Nong Ein situated just minutes from Nong Khiaw.  The issue was that while pictures were taken of all the students, we didn’t know which ones were the ones we sponsored.  Every time we went back to Hat Kham we found a few more of the kids but right up until the last week, I was still missing pictures of three kids – Now we have them – yeaahhhh!

The next issue I still have to work on is who is who – I have a list in Lao language and 17 names that have to be translated first.  As I find the name to go with the student, I will repost this blog entry.


Hat Kham Student

Hat Kham Student

Hat Kham Student

Hat Kham Student

Hat Kham Student

Hat Kham Student

Hat Kham Student

Hat Kham Student

Hat Kham Student

Hat Kham Student

Hat Kham Student

Hat Kham Student

Nong Ein Student (orphaned)

Nong Ein Student (orphaned)

Hat Kham Student

Hat Kham Student

Hat Kham Student

I will endeavour to get the names translated and assigned to the right students!


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