Katang Xieng School Nearly Done

We had two additional visitors, Janice who is a Canadian living in Singapore and Renaldo, a retired registered nurse from United States. I wanted to show them our projects so took them along for my final visit of the season to Katang Xieng for a progress update on the school addition. They had just started working on the roof a few days before and I have to admit I was pleasantly shocked. Not only was the roof finished, they had parged and painted the front wall of the school as of April 2nd and in time for us to enjoy a baci celebration and unofficial school opening. They still have to finish parging and painting, put up the ceiling and then put a cement floor in but I was impressed. There are about 3 weeks left of work to do on that. I know that Lao New Year is right around the corner so they are trying to get as much done as possible.
Here are some highlights;

We lined up thenew desks with the students behind them. It was a Saturday wo it was a pleasant surprise that so many came to the school (maybe because they knew we would bring goodies)
This post may seem a bit rushed and it has been. I am off to finish packing and then to the airport as I begin my journey home. Watch for more updates.