Summer 2015 – where has it gone?

Upon review of my last post I realize that I had not reported on the completion of our largest water project to date. It was iffy as to whether or not we were going to be able to do it in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015 but we did it. With a $46,000 shortfall due to a number of geopolitical issues and our low Canadian dollar value, we had to re-evaluate our projects. Through some later, but very generous donations, re-engineering of the large water project (saving us just under $12,000), a cancellation of a small toilet project and other smaller savings, we did it. I posted many of the pictures of the work in progress but here are a couple more.

How does one give appropriate thanks to the amazing support of so many Rotary Clubs and very special individuals? You have made such a huge difference and changd the daily lives of so many.
We also managed to slide in a small water filter distribution on the very last day of our fiscal year, distributing 120 water filters to rural families…these cover about 600 people.

This filter was provided to the school. Trying to get the kids to smile for the camera is always a feat
Everyone in the village now has a water filter and has been given a hygiene course. We will visit again upon my return in November to ensure that diarhea, caused by water borne bacteria, has been eliminated.