New Year, New Challenges, More Fulfillment

We are now 6 weeks into our new year and there has been a lot of activity. Our treasurer told me that we had actually raised $179,400 last year! I knew we had done better than previous years but didn’t realize just how much! So cool! As it turned out, the big water project for Meung Xuen actually came in about $600 under budget!
For this next season, my budget is approved at $180,000 which is going to be very tough to reach, partly due to some bad weather we had earlier in the season – it washed out a couple of the ribfests. However, assuming we are successful at reaching the targets, this is what we hope to do (amounts in Canadian Dollars);
580 water filters – $58,000 (155 sponsored to date)
Vieng Hin Water Project – $67,000 – includes dam, some new taps, and about 7k of pipe. We are hoping to make this a completely Rotary Funded project. We are about 1/3 of the way there.
Primary and Secondary student sponsorships (15 students – $3000) – all are currently sponsored for 2015/6
University Students – $9,000 – still short about $1500, assuming other commitments come through. If you want to help, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Teacher (during apprenticeship) – $2000 – sponsored
School – $30,000 – this is our share – we are joining forces with a Winnipeg NGO to build a 5-room school with toilets and running water. We have raised about half of the funds needed.
Days for Girls (new trial program) – $1000. Subject to reaching our other targets, we will be starting a new program to provide femine pads to the girls of a secondary school. This will improve enrollment and drop-out rates for young ladies.
Small Projects – there are a few totalling $3,000
Reserve Project – $7,000+ – We will be researching an additional project, donations received on behalf of a dear friend of so many, that passed away early this year.
So that is about it for next season – I have to admit that I am a bit worried about the vlue of our Canadian dollar, still subject to further erosion but am crossing my fingers that it starts to recover.
To date there have been a number of fundraisers that have happened to help us reach our numbers. In addition I have been doing a lot of presentations and volunteering to assist other organizations and Rotary clubs to help them reach their own targets. Stay tuned, but meanwhile, if you wish to assist us, please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime.
On a final note, we were fortunate to be written up in the Rotarian Magazine. The magazine is distributed to 1.2 million Rotarians around the world. You may have to highlite the link and paste it into your browser.
Big congratulations to Rotarian Steve Rutledge for gracing the inside of The Rotarian magazine for his amazing work in Laos. Amazing Steve and thank you for making a difference!
Posted by Whitby Sunrise Rotary Club on Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Special thanks to Rotary for posting this and to Renee and Peter McLachlan for the amazing picture they sent to Rotary International for the photo contest.