All About Karen!

The sometimes elusive Karen Longwell of Northumberland News is an amazing photo journalist. She has already submitted two articles on her trip here in Laos and they have been published in Whitby This Week and it is possible that Northumberland Today will publish at least one of them today. Karen has a golden heart, an eye for the perfect shot and never complains about anything. She has been a real trouper. We all miss her, that is for sure. So let’s see who she really is.

Just to get you warmed up, this picture is in Nong khiaw where we enjoyed dinner together. Left to right – Karen Longwell, Oudon Sivathjana (university student sponsored by Adopt A Village in Laos), me, Bounmy Phantavong (university graduate that was sponsored by AAVIL), Rotarian and AAVIL Director Hugh Parker, and Linda Goldie (Rotarian and Director of AAVIL)

Dancing was just about to get underway. Karen of course joined in for a short time but spent most of her time taking eloquent pictures of others.

I am setting the scene here. Linda does a perfect release of the bird on top of Phousy mountain. It reminds me of the opening credits of the Mary Tyler Moore Show where Mary throws her hat up into the air as a carefree as a bird. Some of you should remember the show.

I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw this. It reminds me of the Rhoda Show opening credits (following the Mary Tyler Moore show) where Rhoda tries to emulate Mary throwing her hat into the air but instead it falls in a puddle. Does anybody remember that? Karen opened the cage backwards so the bird flew right towards her instead of away.
And that’s Karen Longwell. Thank you Karen.