
Water Filters

Diarrhea is prevalent in every rural village and one of the first questions we ask in the village is how many of them have had diarrhea in the last two weeks.  Usually every hand in the village goes up.  When we return to the villages at a later date, it is so encouraging to see that either no hands go up, or it is limited to 1 or 2.  Upon immediate investigation, we find out that they had forgotten to take their filtered water to the rice field and drank from a local stream or contaminated pond.

Since we started the program we have seen more kids in school, productivity improve in the rice fields, significantly reduced infant mortality, higher rice yields and even disposable income.  We have heard that the clean water has extended the average lifespans in these villages, although it is hard to confirm.  Imagine $125 (CAD) will provide a family of 6-8 people with clean water for the next 10-12 years.  When was your last water bill that low, let alone 10 years worth?  For information about the water filter, please see the water filter donation link below.

Student Support

Each year we support a host of students, usually secondary students and 1 or 2 university students.  Due to several students graduating this year, including a university student. our support is limited to 10 secondary school students and a university student. Since it is  a tough year for fundraising, the decision was made to hold off on adding new students.  We are pleased to announce however, that all 11 students are fully funded for the upcoming year (2020/21 school year).  In addition, a new bicycle was purchased for a student who travels 9km to get to school each day (each way) AND two additional part-time, english courses were sponsored by our generous donors.

Feminine Hygiene Program

The Feminine Hygiene Program is currently on hold for the 2020/21 season due to Covid-19 related issues.

Permanent Water Supply

Each year, AAVIL chooses between 1 and 3 rural villages to provide a permanent water supply for the all the residents.  This may include the drilling of a well if it is feasible, but most consist of a water dam from the nearest river that has year round water, several km of buried pipe (ranging from about 2 km to 9.5km), a water tank in the village at the highest point and several, centrally located water taps throughout the village.  With a permanent source of water to the villages themselves, the children are able to go to school, instead of trekking to collect water from wherever they can find it.  In addition, even the elders who no longer able to go for long treks and carry many litres of water long distances, can now collect water from the local taps on their own, thereby feeling that they are still able to contribute to their family.


Each project is engineered by a District Government Engineer and managed by them, with the majority of the labour provided by the villagers themselves.  The projects are coordinated and materials provided by AAVIL’s on-site Country Manager.  For each completed water supply, water filters are provided to each household, under a different, but linked program.

Small Projects

Each year AAVIL gets many requests for relatively low cost items, such as school supplies for a primary school, electricity hookup for a village, a computer for a university student, food for villagers and/or students who are starving, are just a few of them.  While there are requests for less urgent items, we limit our support to those most in need. Each request is reviewed thoroughly before a decision is made.

In reference to school supplies, it is common to provide a selection of school supplies to a primary school at a time when we distribute water filters to the school and teach the students about hygiene.  Primary schools generally range from about 60 students to as many as 200 students, although the average is about 80 – 90.  School supplies generally include a notebook, pencil, pencil crayons with sharpener, pen, eraser, ruler and a small can of fish (usually shared with the entire family).  Also included are a selection of sport related items like 2 soccer balls, two rattan balls and a net for the school.’

Let Us Choose on Your Behalf

Throughout our annual fundraising campaign, it is not uncommon to raise or even surpass our targets for specific projects and fall short on funding for other projects.  If you have no preference as to where the funds should be spent, why not let us choose a project, large or small to apply your funds?  Once the funds are allocated, we will advise you of how they were spent, and send pictures.

Ban Bom Secondary School and Orphanage

We were approached by the Directors of Ban Bom Secondary School and Orphanage to provide a well and piping to existing taps and toilets to the school.  The school is only for poor students who have one parent or no parents, or whose families cannot support them.  The school is partially funded by the Government.

The children are generally fed three meals per day Monday through Saturday, and just rice on Sundays.  There are some periods where the students are fed only two meals per day when funds are in short supply.  To augment the food supply, there are two fish ponds behind the school and a large field divided into garden plots managed by the students.

The school has adequate electricity that is funded by the Federal Government.  It also has 12 washrooms for the girls and 10 for the boys.  There is a need for 8 more.  The school contains 15 classrooms which is also inadequate, and they have asked for 6 more.  There are lots of on-site dormitories.

There is water available at the school, however it must be purchased.  We have reviewed the last three months of water bills, and they average $1,400 CDN per month.  During the hot season (just started), costs rise to about $1,700 CDN.

We are currently seeking support for the well and associated water pipe, connectors etc.