Water Filters
Diarrhea is prevalent in every rural village and one of the first questions we ask in the village is how many of them have had diarrhea in the last two weeks. Usually every hand in the village goes up. When we return to the villages at a later date, it is so encouraging to see that either no hands go up, or it is limited to 1 or 2. Upon immediate investigation, we find out that they had forgotten to take their filtered water to the rice field and drank from a local stream or contaminated pond.
Since we started the program we have seen more kids in school, productivity improve in the rice fields, significantly reduced infant mortality, higher rice yields and even disposable income. We have heard that the clean water has extended the average lifespans in these villages, although it is hard to confirm. Imagine $125 (CAD) will provide a family of 6-8 people with clean water for the next 10-12 years. When was your last water bill that low, let alone 10 years worth? For information about the water filter, please see the water filter donation link below.