Progress with Filter Distribution.

During our trip to Donesok, we stayed overnight so that we could attend a school opening with SKL (School For Kids In Laos). SKL is a Charity out of Winnipeg whose focus is schools. It was a heck of a drive to get there but here are a couple of pictures.

Ken (SKL)was everywhere – everytime I tried to take a photo, he darted off…but I got him – on the right in the light blue shirt, standing. You can see the new school in the background
On our way back, we stayed overnight in Vang Vieng – I always wanted to go there to see the caves and to see what everyone was talking about. What a busy little place – lots of drunk tourists.
On our way back to Luang Prabang, there were lots of amazing views from the highlands.

Lots of sharp turns and not much to stop us from going over the edge. Glad we didn’t try this at night! Up until 7-8 years ago, this was still very unsafe from Hmong tribesman that would ambush passersby. Our builder was a soldier there to help keep it safe.
Once back in Luang Prabang, although tired from the trip, we didn’t have much time to waste. Our delivery truck of water filters had already arrived at the designated drop off point. After a short few hours of sleep, we loaded up with lots of goodies and headed to off towards Nong Boakham, which was to be our largest, one day distribution ever.

The truck was unloaded but based on past experiences, Siphan decided to open each box to make sure there was no damage during shipment. Low and behold, there was a lot of damage! Off to the right you can see some of the boxes where there was significant damage inside. Apparently a skid fell over when they were loading the truck, as reported by the driver. We had expected an element or two to be broken so we ordered extra pots just in case. 9 were broken, pus two damaged bases and a few items missing too. These filters are stacked on the side of the road awaiting more smaller trucks to arrive for the second loads.

This gives you an idea of the magnitude of the distribution. Here we are waiting for additional deliveries by smaller trucks. A few of the villagers starting to gather…wait until you see the next picture!
We had informed the provincial hygiene office that we would be there that day. They took it upon themselves to join us for a POLIO IMMUNIZATION DAY and asked us to participate. Most of you are aware that Rotary largest international project ever is to readicate polio around the world. Until that is done, 3rd world countries continue to be immunized each year. With just two countries to go, we are THIS CLOSE! This was by far the highlight of my trip this year.

Two drops is all it takes to immunize a child. The first child screamed his poor little head off. This one was more cooperative as you can see. It sure pulled the heart strings….and I didn’t have to fly to India as other fellow Rotarians did…LOL

We took this opportunity to present to the Head of the hygiene office, a water filter on behalf of the village clinic.
Next, we wanted to thank a very special lady in our lives..Dr. Anna Tucka who has graciously donated toothpaste, toothbrushes and toothpaste every year since we started distributing filters. We will offer thanks to additional sponsors in the coming posts – lots more to distribute.

…and on with the hygiene training and distribution…4 hours later, we were pretty much done, our backs spent, thirsty, hungry and wanting to lie down where we stood…LOL
I should note that not everyone got their filters – 28 families did not show up because they were in their fields, at the hospital (due to sickness) or in another village. As a result, we will dsitributed these when we return in January. Some of you will not have received all of the pictures yet, because of this. For the Rotary funded filters, I will load the into dropbox for all to see and will email each club, the coordinates.